What a year 2015 turned out to be! Even though I produced few clutches than many previous years, the resulting combos far surpassed my expectations. Its all about quality!
There’s a couple combos I’m keeping hidden, but here are the highlights from a fantastic 2015 season! (W1st = World First animal)
Fire Leopard Clown (W1st)
Lesser Spotnose Clown (W1st)
GeneX Pied combo
Pastel Lesser Spotnose Clown (W1st)
Pastel Spotnose Clown (W1st)
Batman! (Leopard Spotnose Clown, W1st)
Firefly GHI Pied (W1st)
Orange Dream YB Piebald
Firefly Enchi Pied
Pastel Enchi Pied
Pastel Enchi YB Pied (No GeneX)
Enchi YB Pied (No GeneX)
Killer Enchi Pied
Pastel Highway Piebald (W1st)
Pastel HW Pied vs HW Pied (W1st)
Coral Glow GeneX Pieds
Killer Leopard Clown
Bumblebee Leopard Ivory (W1st)
Firefly Leopard Ivory (W1st)
Leopard Ivory (W1st)
Leo Ivory Clutch
Fire Spotnose Hypo Desert Ghost (W1st)
Pastel Leopard Clown (A+)
Firefly Clown
Firefly Leopard Clown (W1st)
Firefly Leopard Clown
Spotnose Hypo Desert Ghost (W1st)
Hypo Desert Ghost (W1st)
Fire Hypo Desert Ghost (W1st)
Fire Spotnose Desert Ghost (W1st)
Batman 50% Het Piebald
Pastel Batman (W1st)
Super Pastel Black Axanthic (W1st)
Pastel Lesser Leopard Blade Clown (W1st)
Lesser Leopard Blade Clown (W1st)
Pastel YB Lavender Albino (W1st)
Pastel Clown Pied
GHI Mojave Clown (W1st)
Leopard Clown Piebald
YB Super Redstripe (W1st)